


QLaw: A Usability and Accessibility update on an under-developed design.

Contact Us banner. screenshot, 2023. Notice the poor contrast of text.
QLaw staff bio pages. Screenshot, 2023
New Contact Us banner, screenshot, 2024. Implementation of brand colors, gradient and 1px stroke around the letters to improve contrast.
New QLaw staff bio pages, screenshot, 2024. Accordion icon (+) has been replaced with a button containing an overlaid modal. (”Learn more about...”)
Example modal overlay, screenshot, 2024.
QLaw footer, screenshot 2023. 
New QLaw footer, screenshot 2024. Implements brand colors, updated contact information, CTA’s, sitemap and simplified social media links.

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Pride Law: Web design with reducing cognitize load & recognizing stress in a saturated market.

Pride Law hero section. Screenshot, 2023. 
Pride Hero section redesign, screenshot, 2024. Simplified IA, increased white space, & immediate value proposition.
Explanation of services page, screenshot 2023. Lacks visual hierarchy.
Explanation of services page, screenshot 2024. Reduced wall of text, prioritized ease of scheduling through consistent use of CTA buttons.
Explanation of Fee Accessibility philosophy, screenshot 2024.
Pride Law footer, screenshot 2023.
New Pride Law footer, screenshot 2024. Clarified purpose & simplified design.

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smaller projects

literal gold records
  • addressed contrast issues
  • updated typeface & implemented brand colors.
  • improved eCommerce experience.

artist page.
new artist layout, streaming window implementation.
catalog page, retitled to contact page.
Clarified purpose of contact page.
previous homepage.
new homepage, highlighting mission statement.

pursuits studio
  • Improved checkout experience,
  • clarified website goals & 
  • developed SEO ranking strategy.

previous homepage
clarified purpose of homepage
old checkout page lacked availability counter.
Classes checkout page with availability counter.

newton stern
  • modernized layout
  • developed content strategy

previous homepage
new homepage, 2024
client list
organized book into relevant categories
another client list
new footer

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