QLaw Foundation of Washington


A Usability and Accessibility update on an under-developed design.

Roles: Lead Design, Project Manager
Length: 1 month
Tools: Figma, Wordpress, HTML/CSS

Contact Us banner. screenshot, 2023. Notice the poor contrast of text.
New Contact Us banner, screenshot, 2024. Implementation of brand colors, gradient and 1px stroke around the letters to improve contrast.
QLaw staff bio pages. Screenshot, 2023
New QLaw staff bio pages, screenshot, 2024. Accordion icon (+) has been replaced with a button containing an overlaid modal. (”Learn more about...”)
QLaw footer, screenshot 2023. 
New QLaw footer, screenshot 2024. Implements brand colors, updated contact information, CTA’s, sitemap and simplified social media links.
Example modal overlay, screenshot, 2024.

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